Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lord Over Your Market with Local Buzz

Perhaps you’re wondering why you should care if your customers can’t find you online. You should, because in the end, it’s all about your profit, your sales, and your business’s future. Local searches don’t end with finding a business; it ends with a customer making a purchase. Here are some statistics that you need to be aware of regarding online searches:

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Yay or Nay: Businesses to Outsource to a Content Management Agency

Between keeping the business running and managing your workforce, you certainly already have enough on your plate. Today, it seems that the traditional approach to advertising and marketing does not work as effectively as it did in the past. In turn, this created brand new problems for marketers to get their customers’ attention. Companies still often find themselves at the crossroads between hiring a content management agency and bringing in new employees to handle content marketing. What many fail to grasp is that outsourcing to an agency has far more benefits.