Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Skillful Content Management Agency Develops Mobile Marketing Designs

Evidently, it is not enough for businesses to simply churn out a hastily made website for people to view; businesses need to be more creative and accommodating in their online marketing approaches if they wish to truly entice their customers. Mobile marketing might be an oddly specific niche, but businesses need to consider optimizing their presence across different platforms. Fortunately, an expert online content management agency such as Opticon Marketing can help businesses break into such emerging internet marketing developments.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What’s With the Logos, Anyway?

Two golden arches; four slightly squiggly squares of different colors; a bitten apple; and a blue bird. When you see these, you instantly attribute the images to their respective companies: McDonald’s, Windows, Apple (as if the apple wasn’t enough giveaway), and Twitter. These logos encapsulate what the companies are about, and what types of services they have to offer.

Friday, October 3, 2014

The One Thing Businesses Should Never Ignore

In the frenzy of trying to attract and keep loyal customers to drive up profit, businesses naturally expend a lot of energy and resources towards their marketing activities. However, many companies do not put nearly enough effort into what should be the core of their business: their brand.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Why Many Design Branding Professionals Enjoy Using WordPress for CMS

Anyone can sign up for a free WordPress account, but a custom domain is also one of the most affordable in the market. Starting at just $18.00 a year, you can add more to it such as private registration, which protects your contact information required for a custom domain. Visitors see custom domains as more trustworthy than a hosted one. Overall, WordPress is a great way to get started on bringing your website into the limelight of the Internet. It’s no wonder that many a reputable content management agency finds this convenient to use. It has virtually everything a startup will need.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Enlisting a Skilled Content Management Agency for Better Positioning

"In using the CMS for adding meat to your website’s skeleton, you should plan for the procedures based on what you need. According to Dodge, think about using the CMS to create a special blog or news section to update customers on developments in your industry. Make sure the CMS enables ease of uploading new material as needed and which types of content it can handle without much difficulty. A skilled brand marketing company in Charleston can add more options to boost your CMS’ effectiveness. Search engine optimization, for one, raises the content’s visibility in online results by gearing it around certain keywords. Online reputation management helps spread positive content about your business."

Monday, August 25, 2014

Why Brand Marketing Companies Matter Today

In today’s world where consumers are no longer bound by traditional marketing, but rather exposed to modern platforms like the Internet and social media, the struggle for market dominance has never been this tight for business owners. Having a strong marketing plan is essential but it is no longer enough. As a business owner, you should look beyond marketing and focus more on branding, which can be achieved with the help of a trusted brand marketing company.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How to Turn Visitors into Leads

When you begin to build a website, your first concern is to get as many visitors to it as you can. You also know that your ultimate goal is to turn those visitors into customers through some magic strategy that can help you sift through your viewers, and zero in on the ones who can make you some money. How exactly does this work?

Monday, August 4, 2014

50% OFF Online Marketing Services from a WV Content Management Agency

Setting up a business in West Virginia is relatively easy, but getting it off the ground is another story altogether. You have to get your name out there, attract patrons, and build customer loyalty. With people’s dependence on all things Internet these days, a strong online presence can put your business on the map. That’s where you need a well-established content management agency like Opticon Marketing! With our current promo, we’re offering new customers like you a 50% discount on any of our marketing services, such as search engine optimization (SEO), local buzz, online reputation management, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. The special is open from July 15 to September 30, 2014.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sharing is Caring: Tips from an Experienced Content Management Agency

When it comes to content marketing, there isn’t a marketer who doesn’t want their content to be read. After all, what’s the point of writing an article in the first place if no one is going to read it, right? While there’s a kernel of truth to that, there is one thing that supersedes a “read”: shares.

Making your content share-worthy allows you to reap the full benefits of content marketing much faster than if you were to solely rely on reads. Whenever a person shares your content, your piece becomes accessible to that person’s friends, their friends, and so on. Of course, this means your content is acquiring reads at an exponential rate.


Monday, June 30, 2014

Three Conversion Metrics You Need to Pay Attention to

What’s the goal of your online marketing campaign? Is it to convert leads into actual customers? Generate more leads? Or is it simply to grow your subscriber database? Whatever your goals may be, know that you need to use metrics in order to track how you’re progressing toward them. Take a look at some of the metrics you need to be paying attention to in your online marketing efforts.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Your Brand is Your Business’s Most Important Asset

People recognize famous companies not only by their names. The yellow, cursive “M”, for example, will always be McDonald’s in people’s minds, while the stylized, four-colored window is easily identified as Microsoft. These companies owe part of their success to their eye-catching and memorable logos, which have come to symbolize their brand. This, in a nutshell, demonstrates the importance of brand marketing.
Brand marketing aims to promote business identity, associating your products and their quality to your brand. It fosters loyalty, return business, and good word of mouth. Brand marketing is done through a variety of channels, ranging from billboards and TV advertisements to social media campaigns and search engine optimization. Aside from the name you give to your business and your logo, color schemes and musical tunes are other means of branding.
So why do you need to rely on a brand marketing company in Charleston? That’s because brand marketing can easily fall apart if it is not timed right or does not reach the right audience. In online marketing, for example, a business’ website should be directed to its target market to get the attention it wants. Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, can be used to highlight the kind of image the business wants to project. Brand marketing companies know what factors to consider to ensure the success of a marketing campaign, like audience, competition, interest, and seasonal demand.