Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What’s With the Logos, Anyway?

Two golden arches; four slightly squiggly squares of different colors; a bitten apple; and a blue bird. When you see these, you instantly attribute the images to their respective companies: McDonald’s, Windows, Apple (as if the apple wasn’t enough giveaway), and Twitter. These logos encapsulate what the companies are about, and what types of services they have to offer.

If you’re a small business poised to blossom in the next few years, having a logo for your company should be part of your priorities in your brand marketing strategy checklist. You don’t just create a logo by getting to stylize your company’s name and peppering it with glitter; however: you’ll want your logo to perfectly encapsulate what your business is all about and at the same time entice your audience to render your services and products. This bit requires a lot of creativity and ingenuity on your part, but you can always seek help from brand marketing companies if you’re unsure.

The logo is one of the make-or-break factors in brand marketing, because this will be the first thing your prospective clients will see and can influence them on whether to get your services or not. Remember that people nowadays have shorter attention span, and therefore you should be able to market your brand in five seconds or less. With brand building, being memorable is key to attract customers, thus, your company’s logo plays a significant role here. 

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